Friday, April 25, 2008
Larger Than Life Bookstore
went to Powells today and you know bookstore is large when you get a interior map of the building with all the sections indicated by a certain color...unreal place. Ode to this bookstore! I am feeling so over stimulated with all the new places, faces, transportation....and just starting to view apartments. L has been in Chicago and she is coming back tonight...yea! good started out cold but as the day progressed it got warmer....this is certainly going to be the biggest change...oh well....this desert rate can take"the times they are changing"
597sq feet
I went looking today for apartments in downtown p...omg....sticker shock...the first place was basically the size of a shoe box..seriuosly, the next one was more like a carry over from my past (a long time ago), wish me luck...I hope tomorrow will be more fruitful...the first one was 21 stories up. brand new, nice view of the river and both mountains BUT IT IS LIKE A MATCHBOX WITH A is two blocks from my new, I really need to find other places that I can at least fit my kitchen table in plus one chair....HELP HP....Also, I walked so much today that I can barely walk or move right, that is a great part of potentially living downtown but I need to work up to it...PRAY FOR ME. Send square feet to me....really lovely to spend time with d and h today...d is a wonderful cook...h is certainly growing up...she is so cute and such a wonderful kid...just love her..
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Portland or Bust

A Poem For My Friends/A Dine Woman Blessing
In NAU News Today
Good luck, Charlotte
Charlotte Goodluck, professor of social work, is retiring after 21 years at NAU. A reception in her honor is scheduled from 4 to 6 p.m. Friday, May 2, at The Inn at NAU.
What an honor....
Monday, April 21, 2008
It Is Happening All Around Me-All The Time-I Am Moving

Saturday, April 19, 2008
Old Friends Return to Hopi
My dear and longtime friends, a and b have returned to Hopi. We had bkfast at Brandy's and just talked and talked...they both look really good....lov them both. Been packing all day. I have had six individuals look at my furniature re Craig's thanks to a for listing my stuff; sold one bookcase. Slowly but surely it is happening..c came over for a, let go and more let go....
Friday, April 18, 2008
Closing Shop
Helped MM today to move from north campus to a dorm near the Inn. I am going to miss her so much; went to Zane Gray with C and A tonight and just talked and talked....just love them both...might have a home for S and is going to take me some time to get use to that idea--S & BS going to another family....slow down will all be ok and actually WONDERFUL. The wood for the living room arrived today at Homedepot...yea! z will be putting it in prety soon....
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Yellow Joy
What a treat to go outside this morning and see the flowers from the bulbs I planted last fall; they are real and beautiful and pure. Life and the will to grow in spite of snow, snow, snow, cats, dogs, people, heat, bugs, fear, loss, noise, train noises, cars going by, lunar eclipes, stars, grass, rocks, drainage problems, crying, you name it and THOSE SWEET BLUBS HAVE GIVEN US LIFE AND COLOR! What joy! Thank you to mother earth and father sky. My mother used to plant blubs; it just took me a bit longer...these are in her honor! thank you to hp for them coming up while I am still here to witness the process.....
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Who Discovered TMJ? & Why Do I Have it Now?
Unreal to have TMJ---my right jaw is in so much pain I can barely move my jaw or eat or smile or yell or almost anything to do with my jaw...I have never had such an may be caused by STRESS...which I have a lot of lately. OMG what a pain it is! Even flossing hurts....that is way too much information isn't it? Dear friend, sh was in town tonight; so nice to laugh and talk with her about me being "transplanted" to Portland....My bulbs in the front are about ready to BLOOM. What fun that will be....I planted them last fall and now they are almost ready to show their stuff...the buds look yellow....maybe within the next day or coming up from the earth! Thanks to I for getting my computer working again..what a friend to have. Love H's hair cut...looks so cute...(PS...I forgot to tell you that I received an A on my last Spanish test) happy...yo tengo muy feliz. I think that is the way, but not sure....that is why I am in the 101 class. Adios and hasta manana!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Who in the world said to do this? in one semester!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008
yo hablo y no
Had my third test in my Spanish class and I think I did much better than the last time; (or I hope so!). Went to the UU Board meeting tonight and they are making plans for June and July and I will not be here...that feels odd! I will be in last meeting will be in May...spent most of the day studying snowed today! That sure is Flag in April! Just don't know what is going to happen....anyway nite nite---lov the chicken, l, d, and h! Flag allows them in the city too...I love chickens! Maybe I will have some in the apartment/condo??? that would be so funny....
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Can't Believe It: I am Moving 2 h20

Thursday, April 03, 2008
NAU Retirement Dinner
Talked with NAU benefits this morning and they told me that NAU was holding their retirement party at Forest Highlands...I went with Maria and was a wonderful event; saw others from SBS; had an outstanding time; they gave me a present that was a beautiful cherry wood box with a picture of Ole Main on the front and a mirror on the inside and a box area to put stuff; I love it. Everyone is so excited about my new adventure; mixed of course, both sad and happy for me. I basically had a great time in spite of only hearing about it this morning; they had my bio in an insert in the program and it was very nice; Ron Pit forgot to say my name and Bren went over to the BIG table and he then remembered to call me; they announced I was going to Portland State University to be "the chair" of a new social work department" (kinda right but not; so cute); I stood next to President Haegar and a professional photographer took our picture. We had salmon and beef and cheesecake...I gave flowers to several people as my gift to them---a lovey night! Saw Karen Pugelisi, Suzanne Maxwell (she reminded me that I saw her in a park in Portland); Larry Gould and many others. I am really tired but so excited at the same time; Warren my chair sent an email to everyone this afternoon about me retiring...! Had a call from Becky and an email from Karla tonight...I am thrilled about it feels so right now. Thank you HP....
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