Bought some "Hunter Green" spray paint yesterday; what a find!!! I went wild today; painted the ole black mailbox; the foot stool; numbers for my address re Ascona...sealed the new backyard steps from the porch; attended a Spanish lesson with Bob at the Adult Center; 3:00 to 4:15 PM; then went to co-teach with ck re "uu artulating our faith"; s said it was really good to see me laughing again...she had tears in her eyes! I feel the same way. Took J and M lemon bars since they have been so sweet to me; looked at the stars with a; lovely night; bright stars and planets; Mars and Venice...I love outer space and the edges of the universe. We are basically all made of "star dust"---miss "the girls"...start school next week! That will be hard re my summer "news"...just smile and say ?????? The picture is from the Dine Nation; love cows!