Images from my watercolor class--just playing with photoshop---different filters plus just want to totally escape from the crazy place....left class early tonight due to GLEE...what fun that show is...happy colors, shapes, and different art teacher said "it looks like modern art"---what fun hearing that....we painted apple still life tonight. Much harder with perspective and the notion of depth....water on water and watercolor on my new brushes...learning so much and meeting new people. All of the art we are producing all looks so different...I love the soft colors that watercolor is able to do...I can't do it yet but I am learning....
From top to bottom: 2 of tree bark near Pioneer Square on Sat; love the texture and color; 1 of a cute pink child's scooter with carrots at the Sat Market on the Park Blocks; 3 of Pink flowers enhanced with photoshop; 1 of my first water color drawing class; 1 of a pencil drawing using the right brain (looking at a picture upside down); that was fun and I liked what I did! Basically playing and resting today...too much the last few weeks..I needed a mental health day!
Living under a leaf is all about "the rain"....oh well. Started a walking program and it feels so good. Where I walk is located downstairs from where my office is! Trying to take care of cg...and get rid of the stress so I don't hurt the leaves are coming out---can see from my living-room window area, facing north and east...4 paws is walking all over my keyboard...started a watercolor class last time; I really enjoyed the teacher and the other students...did a pencil drawing of a man (it was upside down) and I used my right looked pretty good quite reminded me of my dad's about pulling up a lost memory of my childhood and his files from his younger maybe I do have a tiny "art" gene after funny.
meant some new people today; went to an afternoon social networking workshop and learned lots about new media, etc. just some fun; home pretty late; too many bananas...s seems to be eating better; found the old type of cat food so she likes it over the "good" kind. Lots happening at the new rec center today; even watched a basketball game between faculty and students and the students won; 47 to 45! free popcorn...just darn fun place to be. used new rec center; walking on the treadmill; sunny today but suppose to be stormy for the next few days...