Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Patti Smith BD Today
Watching a special about Patti Smith who was born today in her rebellion spirit...poet, musician, artist, punk rock...and just cute! This picture is from her
I am sure she would hate that I said she is cute but she is...oh well....that basically means I am still kicking myself! Ha Ha---she wants to get a herd of goats! What a gal! gender bending too.
So Happy Birthday Patti and many more! 4 Paws is all over the place! The image of her is only showing the cords for some go to her website...and see the picture of her.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Snowing in Portland
yep---it has been snowing in Portland; roads are all backed up...however, since I live downtown I can walk home! it reminds me of pretty, white, fresh, icy....etc etc..good nite; first day with our office open for real...I love my new office.....
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Sat AM Play Time
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
Had a wonderful "night before Christmas" with L,H, D...then woke up to a sock filled with goodies from the N family...even a cute gift for 4 paws...we had lots of fun opening everything...then went home and slept and returned for dinner and movies Christmas night..they showed me the wei game and their new wei Beatles band...h is good! watched Harold and cute. even watched an ole dvd of the beatles after the White album...Let It Be...cried and laughed while watching it; my youth passed by...just love the N's ...thank you hp for giving me a family in Portland...4 paws and I watched netflix in the afternoon......we had ham cooked by nap this afternoon was wonderful...soft fuzzy sheets and an electric is very cold today--
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Darkness & Light

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Waking Up Too Early
Up at 5 watched on my computer; taking silly pictures of 4 paws sleeping...raining outside...this is not news for Portland... I think I am going back to bed for a few hours...and finish sleeping....there is moss growing on the roof of the building next funny is that...first that I can see it and secondly...that it is there...but after all it is wet Portland...a green mossy carpet....nite nite--thanks to the n family for helping me yesterday from cutting cat nails to moving looks much nicer....good interior design for sure....
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Into Our New Building---6th Floor
It is will change the dynamics and chemistry of everything and it has already done that to some extent. Having s and m so close re the program is wonderful and having l around the corner is going to be fun....all very supportive, kindness and some fun too. Having the other undergraduate program in same area is helping already...we all "get it"...I basically want to forget about earlier in the week...hope everyone has a good break...the university will be on leave until 12/ a nice break for me....lots of people feeding the birds by the fountain much fun to watch...been cleaning my apartment all morning...making some headway...want to get to the other bedroom tomorrow depending on how much energy I is a mess.. want to start doing my art work again...get my container bigger--as s said Buddha said. "if you put 1 tablespoon of salt in a small glass you can't drink it but if the same amount goes into the ocean one can swim in it"...get my container bigger and filled with joyful people around lesson is to let go and let goddess....put my printer on a new table and it really looks much better....s is sitting on my keyboard...she is so pretty....wild...and sweet...
Friday, December 11, 2009
The quarter is OVER
last class on Wed...went pretty good; still need to finish the heat situation is a bit better; someone suggested I turn the oven on for heat and I did; but forgot the plastic handles on the pans...they melted into the bottom of the oven and what a g awful mess to say the least; open the windows (all the heat went outside) and trying to get the house warm again...then turned on the oven to cook pizza tonight and the left over plastic was still there even after I thought I cleaned it all up...what another g awful mess...plastic smells and who knows what it is going to do to my lungs...oh well...darn ole cold sweet apartment and my cold freezing event..sure happy to get it somewhat resolved before I will be spending my holiday here...sure fun having tivo and netflix...what choices...almost totally finished with packing my office this the key for my new office...a beautiful office with sun coming thorugh on the south side...smaller but still will be wonderful to have the bsw program all together....l1 around the corner too.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
tivo kid
just discovered tivo....and hd at the same time...what fun tv watching is...all kinds of features on the computer that link to tivo, netflix, etc etc....and the picture quality is so much richer...seems almost 3-d...heard an AA minister this morning...the ultimate in love and loving each other...a radical perspective on "universalism" in UU...I then head him discuss his book "in between" and saw home movies of his parents in Chicago..what a human being...I am a "Mark groupie" now. Went to my office and packed more files...getting there. L1 and I heard the sermon and I was touched me deeply...thanks l1 for coming with me...
Saturday, December 05, 2009
It totally feels like war at home with 4p....i have not gotten any peace and quiet...when i come home i basically hide in my bedroom...if she is there it is biting, etc. with a few moments of cute. I am getting so frustrated with her...I want to toss her...yikes! this is not good; got to buy the tower asap...and more toys...maybe some meds? for both of us. So how what your week c? let's just say I am happy it is over...getting my new tivo hooked up in the am...yea!
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