Saturday, October 31, 2009

a new mini

spent almost all day looking for a new mini computer to take on my trip..a new hp mini my first blog on it mouse is touchy

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

No espanol...

decided it was too much to take the espanol class while teaching and all the other stuff a director does...and does and does and, tonight it is a relief to be home and not running around trying to "fit" it all in...left work late went grocery shopping and got home late anyway but not the same pressure....the cleaning person is coming tomorrow...yea team! it will be worth the $ not to have to worry about finding time to do that too....little 4 paws is so needy...and so am I! ...what a pair of girls...i think my heater in the living room is not working very well...cold air is coming out! will call them in the am...i think we are going to get to have longer so that will be may not have to rush as much re the bmIII...that will be a relief...could maybe have a mini vacation like real people...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

500th blog

omg---that is stunning...500 as of this one...went to a funraiser on Fri with n,a,l and had a blast...basically spent weekend trying to get some rest and catch up with myself. Now doesn't this picture look eye appealing? Well, think of 3 times bigger and lonnnnnnnnnnnng sharp nails times 4 paws...actually it is getting better or I am getting numb....could be both!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Going to the Spirit World

My classmate, EMcC passed away last Thursday and I had a dream about him on Tuesday night...that was odd...he was a great person and was very active in my high school class, of ' it is own classmates are passing will be me sometime. So it is good to celebrate each day you are alive...the leaves are golden outside my window..falling so peacefully...a metahphor for sure...the tree is sheding its golden dress for winter..below is a yellow carpet of soft brown and golden leaves...on the other hand...4 paws is up to her ole bandages on my hand...sure hard to work at my desk with her jumping all around...she is resting now..getting ready for the next herself...what a cutie pie...the life cycle.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

What a Day

slept until 10 am...cleaned my bedroom and other rooms...still did not get to the living room; the kitty litter box was a big one! so to speak. She does eat and eat and eat and ..... and .... and....--then went and got my hair done...the birthday party last night was so much fun...h is a great kid.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Wild Things

h bithday today...sweet dinner and movie with she and l and d...loved the movie 4 paws jumped on me this am and now I have two new bandages on my leg...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Happy Birthday to A Special Friend

wonderful day...lunch with l--gourmet---emails from Germany, Window Rock, Flag, calls from Penn. sweet. Thanks for a good day with medical results yesterday...A GREAT DAY TO BE ALIVE...calls from dear friends in Portland...songs...and 4 paws doing her thing...

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

From My Home Desk

Sorrel is Growing

Sorrel es La Gata de Portland-Two Faces of S

I Made It

Oct 4th would have been our 16th anniversary...oh well...went to see Ragtime, the musical and had a great time....the week is going really quickly...class tonight---crazy making place with the accreditation stuff going on...pressures! I am going to go swimming today! Started an 8 week Spanish class last night at UU...what fun. Hola, two male teachers with very different styles of relating; I like that...meeting new people and hearing about Cuba! It is so pretty from my office window in my apartment---turning leaves of summer into fall....yellow, light green, different shades of beauty...mi gata es loca! The life cycle...yes, I am happy to be here!

Saturday, October 03, 2009

What a Week--

Went to the Opera on Thursday, swimming last night; the movie this afternoon, a dinner party tonight and a play tomorrow...A Bright Star with l,h,d this afternoon...very tragic love relationship re John Keats....he died at the young age of 25...had lunch at a new place "Elephants.."kinda a Paris theme right next to the movies. Then they came and played with my "sweet sorrel" who just loves to cuddle....and BITE. Just love this picture...