Tuesday, January 27, 2009
good morning--yep it is 2:00 am
went to bed really early and now I am wide awake...oh well...the fun of aging and over working---my sleep schuedule is very different; so when I get sleepy again...I will go back to bed but for now...here I am. Watching "Is that skunk?" on opb..sure reminds me of flag and living at Ascona...yes, we had the trail for several skunks in flag...some funny and not so funny stories to tell about "living with skunks"--so, now I am getting sleepy...nite nite
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
A New America
Thank you Obama and Michelle for taking our country into your heart, hands. head, and soul. We have been waiting for you.
Monday, January 19, 2009
A week------what a long time. Working on an altered art project re my Portland activities to hang somewhere in my apartment. Finally made it to IKEA yesterday...what a place! Watching CNN re all the activities in DC. Since I am on Facebook now fun to see who else is on it and connecting with friends from my past...sent a message to cl who was a friend of rbh when I was in Phx in the mid 70's....about 35 years ago...my my...so Facebook is making us all connected or "we are all related"----the sun was out yesterday and today...can see Mt. Hood but very windy. We are praying for you President Elect Obama and your family. "Oh Obama is my Homie"--I have been looking for another place to live....sure love my view and the location so it will be hard if I do it..we will see; however...I was going to visit a person yesterday and see her home but I drove by her house and it is too far from where I do most of my stuff...but she contacted me later and said she has a movie group once a month at her house and she invited me to the next one..so I will be going there next Sat...so no new place but better a new friend from the lesbian community. A woman from UU invited me to early breakfast tomorrow to watch the inauguration at 7 am but I think I will be home and watch it from here. Very nice and UU is feeling like a community now. I have got to go do some work!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Letting Go of a Dream
starting to let go of a sweet dream...oh well....my hp is taking care of me and I have faith and hope and know all will be well....I am happy to be making friends and meeting new people and this will continue. last night at the uu new members meeting there were three members and our minister, susan...she had questions we selected from a chalice; very profound and deep. "What was the most holy event I had witnesses/experienced"; "what will be my spiritual practices as a member of uu"; "what service will be give to both our uu and in the community in general to express my commitment to uu?"---each of us had about 4 questions...it was a wonderful way to get to know each other in a deeper more meaningful level...maybe we can have "spiritual circle suppers". Work was a day full of meetings and more meetings. CSWE site visitor will be here April 8-10...so the report is due to them by March 8th...I will be taking a short vacation via my trip to Phx for the BPD meeting...either before or after...still need to figure it out. I am happy to have a job but it is certainly a lot of work...nite nite
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Walking Tour of Portland

Went on a walking tour of Portland with a new friend yesterday. Walked 14,500 steps! Learned a lot about buildings, fountains, historical sites, library, monuments, statutes, landmarks, stories and just had some fun and laughter all around. So basically today my feet hurt! Went to UU this am and the sermon was from a Jewish UU member who has been a UU minister for 45 years on "Black representation in the bible"; very interesting and stimulating. Glad I attended even if I did just get up at 9:40 am before the 10:30 service. Stayed for the veggie lunch and meet more people...I think this is the UU community I have been looking for. Now at the office trying to get prepared for a big week of meetings! hope u feel better, l1.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
I think I need a break
I know the term just started but I am so frustrated with meetings...I am not very tolerant of others right now...those who are not around then decide to critic me (or that is how it feels); that is my own stuff but they are my feelings; have to be "on" lots of the time so I need to get more balance in my life...a theme that keeps appearing in my life; on another note...just bought a goLite which is a small computer driven 5 x 5 in cube which illuminates a "blue light" to assist those who live in the darkness in the winter...that is me. so i will see if it helps me at all...i have to have it face me for about 30 minutes in the evening or morning..so I am doing it right now. just saying thanks to all those who show their love for me...you know who you are...so "let there be light" is taking on a new meaning to me now. prayers for ck re her loss today. nite nite
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
My computer is fixed!
Thank goodness for professional computer geeks....I sure needed one! He worked on my home computer mess for 2 hours and finally took my computer with him re the hard drive stuff; so now I have my laptop re wireless and my netflix connected to my wireless....so, now I can watch movies to my heart content...now to fine the time...oh well! Maybe it will snow again in Portland!
Beauty Around Us
Candles lite this morning and the twingling lights outside with the gleaming river was so peaceful looking...praying for peace within and all around. Acceptance. Non-violence. Namise.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Acceptance of All

Saturday, January 03, 2009
To pharaphrase my friend, l: yikes
well C you did it this time: connected my Kodak camera (zoom digital) to its docking station and connected to my computer---did have about 120 pix I am trying to download and I can't download them nor can I find them at all now...so presently i have several computer connection problems: 1. Kodak docking station; 2. my netflix to my tv; 3. my mac to the wireless; 4. my netflix to the wireless; 5. the router to the comcast! So the Geek rep will be here on Tuesday and they will have their hands full...oh I forgot: my wireless to the modem. I am grateful I still have my connection to the Internet however and my iPhone is working. What a complex world this is and this is only one individual and her desk top computer! I guess "patience" is still trying to teach me to be "patient". So, YIKES. One a brighter note I have tickets to see "The Color Purple" this afternoon. I am really happy about this one! So a balancing act for me today.
Friday, January 02, 2009
Sun--just a tiny bit this morning
Yes, the sun actually came out this morning for a few minutes...this is a big deal here and now I know why...
Sure looks like a fun place to sleep
Thursday, January 01, 2009
A new adventure.
I heard a litte rumor that it is: NEW YEAR'S DAY
Good afternoon everyone...including c who is sitting at my desk. My dear friend e from pa called this am and we talked a long time....called another friend in flag, b and we talked and talked..it is raining outside (much better than raining inside I always say). this grey sky is more like a "hazel grey today"; like in the artic there are over 800 words for ice--well I think there over 100 shades of grey in Portland...not that I am missing BLUE SKIES. So, brought in the New Year very softly and gently...candles lit and sweet thougths. Listening to all the cd's l gave me for Christmas. Staying home today and really enjoying being with myself. So, hello 2009 and thank you to 2008. May everyone around the world walk in beauty, c
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