Thursday, January 31, 2008
Voting and Reading: What a Day
It was hard but I did it! The debates are currently on and it is like watching the past and the future; we actually need both perspectives! I want HC to win but I just don't think it will happen....the wave in our country to hear someone who gives us a sense of hope is what we need after the demise of our country by litte, it will be a very interesting few days...Super Tuesday is only a few days away....I was so happy to vote today; I did my civic duty toward making our democracy work...little as that is; it is! Go vote! I am starting to read Oprah's new book: A New Earth:Awakening to Your Life's Purpose". I also signed up at midnight to join her classroom on-line with the author, Eckhart Tolle....SHOUD BE GOOD! Go Read! nite nite
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Letting My House Talk Today
Yes, living in a large house can present problems one would rather ignore...1. just noticed the wooden fence on the right side of the house is falling down; 2. the furnace is sounding odd (when it stops it kinda goes "boom"); 3 the front drainage is nonexistent (so by it being frozen right now lessens its priority); 4. the carpet in my office and the bedroom are for the DUMP; 5. THEN THERE IS THE LIVING ROOM WITH NO FLOOR EXCEPT A PAINTED (UGLY) GREY WOODEN FLOOR..this was one of t's ideas that never came came to a positive conclusion (except to say it is STILL NOT DONE); and I am sure there are things I still have not NOTICED NOR DO I WANT TO, the joys of owning a house! So, where do I start...I think having someone come in to check the furnace would be the best place cuz I will freeze without it....the other things are more cosmetic....and the drainage can wait until there is something except ice to spring....I have been shoving the snow in the front and yesterday it took an hour (so thanks to t who kept the snow blower in spite of not using it at c)(another selfish act), besides being physically tired I have an exam tonight in my Spanish, enough about ME...this blog can serve many purposes and today it is to GIVE A VOICE TO ALL THAT NEEDS TO BE DONE.
So, if you have read this far you must really love me or you are crazy...I hope it is the former....someone said "art is like running away from home"; so back to my altered art I have to "alter" my house but just can't do it RIGHT NOW; but the main difference between t and I is THAT I WILL DO IT. What a disappointment she has been....and don't get me started re libby. I love you Libby, if you could read this you would know that; I have not forgotten you...I am trying to forget t but I will never forget you and I hope I will see you soon................thank you to all the friends who have been there for me during all of this....
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Hola-Hasta Manana

Spanish 101 requires homework....I like doing the excercies cuz I really want to learn how to speak will be wonderful to converse with those all around me...when I listen to the radio I can understand more each day...nite or buenos nochas....yo tango tres gatos...I think that means cats...hope so.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Charlotte's New House:2008

A Statement about Building New Houses:
Imagine yourself as a living house. Goddess comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what She is doing. She is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently She starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is She up to? The explanation is that She is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but She is building a palace. She intends to come and live in it Herself.
From C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity **gender changed to protect the innocent.
Of course I give credit to Z for helping too.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Thank you Goddess: It is Over!
Signed the legal papers 1:15 it is all over! I am so happy; she is not who I knew before and I am glad not to be associated with her anymore. She has turned into her father, an ole bitter, hateful, mean, and spiteful person. I love u Libby; I have not forgotten you.....I will be walking through new doors and a new life.....I have already....! Thank you to all the angels who have guided me so far and especially to l1 and l2......nite nite--baby son is on my cute.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Doorways Full of Life and Love
why can't we have all 3 of them...hcboje...???? hola, buenas noches...y....mi llama es carlota...just started to learn about Spanish so be patient with me; play play with photoshop...a new door for me! I have earned a NEW DOOR IN 2008, later
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Blue Tile: Searching for a Beauty
ikea---what a place to shop and drop
the retreat went pretty well; new people on the project so that will take some time; drove home tonight so I could be in my own bed with my own "kids" ---my jaw is still hurting so I am going to go see the dentist next week.
got 2 pretty quilt covers and pillow cases; very modern colors and designs; silky satin pillow cases; so just tired and want to go to bed early for a change. later
(this is the first video I am posting) Actually this is not of the "kids" but
the back yard in reveiew in the summer; nice trees. I did find one
of sweet Ruby---she is kinda quiet.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Warm and Beautiful
no, i am not talking about myself...just kidding....i am in Phx at a NACRP retreat and this is my first trip out of flag for sometime....very nice to be somewhere it is so warm and DIFFERENT. I want to go to mecca "ikea"....tomorrow. we are working on the revision of our proposal with some new individuals so that will be interesting considering new personalities and chemisry my room, a mini suite so it makes it much more pleasant. so, off to the retreat and our first big day of REAL WORK. later,
Thursday, January 17, 2008
thank you hp for letting me really see tonight
adios, t---someone said to me "you lost xxxx" and I said "no, I gained myself"...that is all there is....good nite
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Spanish r us....or Spanish 101
Decided to take a Spanish class at Coconino Community College so tonight was the second class. The teacher is pretty funny and there are about 20 in the class. So, we will see.......I really want to keep up the Spanish I learned last fall and know how to communicater with Hispanic people who live in Flag and of course many other places. word. So I have homework for next week; hasta mecroles. Until Wednesday...I actually took Spanish at Prescott College in 1970!!!! How time flies.
Monday, January 14, 2008
i miss libby
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Let It Be
a playful dog is running after his owner in the deep snow outside my office window at nau....jumping, running, and playing...wish I could be that dog for a minute or two....the semester is almost here; classes start on online course and lots of writing on a community outrech program, let it begin....the sun is setting and the long dark shadows are growing across the grassy knoll. let it be...let me be....let it be....
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Art Is Now

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