Sunday, July 29, 2007

Pictures from my Portland trip in dear friend, K left today; it was wonderful spending some quality time with her and other friends all weekend long..

Thursday, July 26, 2007

My computer is back!

I just got my home computer today; then the "outlook" program went down...My dear friend from Montana, K is in town and it is so nice to see her! She gave me some sage from a Sundance she attended in Montana about 2 weeks smells so fresh. I am so happy she is visiting. My dear friend from 30 years ago called me yesterday from Albuquerque....we met in Phx in the mid 70's...Blessing to both my dear friends and their love, support, and hugs.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Chickens Rock

In honor of all chickens and hens...thank you for providing us with all the eggs; I am learning about your characteristics, types, and food habits. Thanks to Hope for her knowledge re "chickens/hens".

Rain Rain Rain--Don't Go Away

We are being blessed with rain, rain, rain....the pine trees are finally getting something to drink---I love the smell of rain....and the cool breeze it brings...such a lovey way to be---walk in beauty today and always

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Faces of Art

Picasso's lithograph of "a face"; so interesting to have such a combination of colors, angles, characteristics, etc. Today was very interesting seeing new faces at our UU picnic; went to see "Sicko" this evening---living in France, Canada, Cuba with their free health care system sounds pretty good---we have so much in the US but we are so sick as a human culture; we need to learn to give more and have less. I am seeking to have this as my motto..all my new friends, thanks a bunch!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thursday, oh my

Still having "computer blues" --have two computers on my home desk and they do different things and it is driving me crazy....rain sure is helping my blues. Really, it gives life and I am growing too so I am having growing pains. My tomoto plants are blooming and two have tiny green fruit on them; sure hope the grasshopers don't have them for dinner! Love all the blogs with lovely pictures of flowers, fountains, kids, etc. Later....

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Altered Book Workshop in Flag

Attended a 2 hour workshop on designing backgrounds for altered books. There were 6 students and a very good teacher with lots of patience. Some of the techniques I already knew about but others did not. Made some pretty paper with inks and alcohol on photography paper; interesting images and designs with very unusual bold colors and textures. Hint: it is very messy so wear gloves (I did not) and now my fingers are blue, orange, and pink! Crazy day with my Mac and PC....I want to work on my on-line classses and can't seem to get a working computer! Darn it anyway. I have a "black computer cloud" over me this week; hopefully, it will get better next week. Many of my friends have been calling me; it is up and down constantly and several times during the day....I know I will feel better sometime just don't know when. Went on a long walk tonight and saw a beautiful sunset with pink and orange showing through the clouds. Almost forgot, Happy Birthday Dad.....long ago... Good nite everyone.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Thanks for Computer Geeks at SBS

My files were all saved...that sure was good news for me since "my life" is on that computer---still no computer to work on at home but the dvd's are on the desk with me, safe and sound. Who would of known that the problem was: CAT HAIR---too much hair inside the computer re the fan/cooling could have caused a fire...thanks to HP for that not happening...found this poem on Ali's blog and I love it and it applies to my life right now... Guillaume Apollinaire : Come to the edge. We can't. We're afraid. Come to the edge. We can't. We will fall! Come to the edge. And they came. And he [she] pushed them. And they [she] flew....[with lots of help from my friends]

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Computer crash:Char crash

Basically a horrible day due to my home compter; took it to the office and it is being worked on now; hopefully, the files are all okay----if not--oh well, more adjustments for Char

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Some Art and Fun Around the Hogan

A variety of pictures from today....Libby and Ruby (cute dogs) are back with me for awhile; I sure missed them; Son and Baby Son are the two cats who own us; scarf is a type of cactus from the Museum of Northern Arizona; poster from the 13 Annual Navajo Studies Conference; the stained glass globe is in my kitchen; I just love the "Laugh" out loud like the quote states; the picture of me tonight and an altered picture L1 gave me; Ophie is not here cuz she is very shy and she is outside anyway; just playing...So lots of fun and art for tonight. The pictures are loaded in reverse. Enjoy your evening and peace for the night.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

July 4th---Independence Day

Little did I know how independent I would be this year....had a lovely brunch with j and m at Little America; too hot to go to the parade; went to a party at f and n at their beautiful house in Fox Glen---love their sense of style, color, and art. Meeting many new people and having some fun. J and M have been "emotional" bookends for me during this very difficult time of adjustment to my new situation. Love to l, d, and h who are in Indiana at a very special time in their life. I lov you r and l and miss you very much....this picture of m, j, and myself was taken last June 2006---we look pretty good! I saw my first iphone tonight---it is incredible and such a fun toy...Changes in life!